SAP APO Training Manual
(Advanced Planning & Optimization)
- 4.9 out of 5 based on 7355 students rating.
- ERP Concept
- SAP Business Suite Architecture
- SCM Concept
- APO Architecture
- APO modules
- Integration of APO with other modules
- R/3
- BW
- BI
- Demand Management
- Integration of Demand Planning With other SAP APO Modules
- Business Scenario
- Planning Area
- Planning Object Structures
- Time Bucket Profile
- Storage Bucket Profile
- Info Objects
- Creating info Objects
- Basics of Reporting
- Data Source
- Source System
- Extracting Sales Data from
- ECC (R/3)
- Excel
- BW
- Planning Books
- Data Views
- Advanced Macros
- Interactive Planning Functionalities
- Selection Profile
- Macro Alerts
- Alerts-Forecasting Alerts
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