Microsoft Azure Syllabus
- 4.9 out of 5 based on 7355 students rating.
- Introduction to Azure
- Different segments SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS
- Azure Regions and Data Centers
- Understanding of Microsoft Azure portal
- Introduction to all Azure services
- Windows Azure Subscription
- Setting Up a Trial Subscription
- Operating System Images Supported
- Virtual Machine instances
- Azure VM types and Pricing
- Types of Provisioning
- Disks & Images
- Virtual Machine management, automation and scripting
- Cloud Service and Resource Model Deployment
- Setting up VM in Availability set using Load Balanced Endpoint
- VM Availability using Availability Sets
- Types of Azure Virtual Network VNET to VNET, point-to-site and site-to-site, Express Route
- Creating Virtual Networks in Azure
- Azure Subnet and IP ranges
- Endpoints
- Load Balancing Endpoints
- Understanding Network ACL and Network Security Group Setting up Private and Public IP
- Introduction to Azure Traffic Manager
- Available options in Azure Traffic Manager
- Understanding of Deployment Traffic Manager
- Virtualization
- Overview of Microsoft Azure Storage
- Storage Account
- Storage Account Replication Techniques
- Protocols and Consistency Model
- Type of Azure Storage Account
- Storage Services Blob, Table, queue, File
- Azure CDN Services, Managed and Unmanaged Disk
Module-1: Cloud Computing & Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
Module-2: Azure Virtual Machines
Module-3: Introduction to Azure Virtual Network and Services
Module-4: Microsoft Azure Storage
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